Blangkon and Beyond: Traditional Javanese Attire for Men

Blangkon and Beyond


The traditional attire of a culture serves as a window into its rich history and unique heritage. For Javanese men, one iconic piece of clothing is the Blangkon, a traditional headgear that symbolizes the elegance and identity of Javanese culture. In this blog, we will delve into the significance of the Blangkon, explore other traditional Javanese attire for men, and take a quick glance at how different cultures, like the Scottish, also embrace their unique headwear. If you’re interest in exploring other traditional headwear, such as Scottish hats and caps, visit our site at Kilt Master. We offer a wide variety of authentic Scottish hats, perfect for anyone looking to embrace and celebrate Scottish culture.

The Blangkon: A Symbol of Javanese Heritage

The Blangkon is a traditional Javanese headdress by men. It is typically made from batik fabric and meticulously folded and wrap to create its distinctive shape. The Blangkon is not just a piece of clothing but a cultural artifact that reflects the wearer’s status, region, and identity.

Historical Significance

Historically, the Blangkon has been by Javanese nobility and commoners alike, with variations in design and pattern signifying different regions and social statuses. The intricacy of the patterns and the quality of the fabric often indicated the wearer’s rank and heritage.

Regional Variations

There are four main types of Blangkon, each corresponding to a different region in Java: Ngayogyakarta (Yogyakarta), Surakarta (Solo), Banyumasan, and Kedu. Each variation has unique characteristics in terms of shape, pattern, and the way it is worn.

Traditional Javanese Attire for Men

The Blangkon is often paired with other traditional garments to complete the traditional Javanese male attire. These garments are not only aesthetically pleasing but also hold deep cultural significance.

Beskap and Surjan

The Beskap is a formal jacket during special ceremonies and events. It is often made from luxurious fabrics and adorned with intricate embroidery. The Surjan, on the other hand, is a traditional shirt that features a high collar and long sleeves. Both garments are usually with a kain, a piece of batik cloth wrapped around the waist.

Jarik and Sarong

The Jarik is a type of batik cloth as a lower garment, wrapped around the waist and secured with a belt. The Sarong is another traditional lower garment that is simpler to wear and often used for daily activities. Both garments showcase the beautiful patterns of Javanese batik.

Kris: The Traditional Dagger

No traditional Javanese attire is complete without the Kris, a traditional dagger that is often at the waist. The Kris is not only a weapon but also a spiritual object believed to possess protective powers. It is intricately designed and often passed down through generations as a family heirloom.

Embracing Other Cultures: Scottish Hats and Caps

While exploring traditional Javanese attire, it’s fascinating to see how other cultures also celebrate their heritage through distinctive headwear. Scottish hats and caps, for instance, are iconic pieces of Scottish attire that have been worn for centuries.

The Tam o’ Shanter and Glengarry

The Tam o’ Shanter is a traditional Scottish bonnet name after the character in Robert Burns’ poem. It is typically made of wool and features a pom-pom on top. The Glengarry is another traditional Scottish cap, usually worn as part of Highland dress. It is characterize by its boat-shaped design and checker band.

Celebrating Scottish Culture

For those interested in embracing and celebrating Scottish culture, wearing authentic Scottish hats and caps is a wonderful way to connect with Scotland’s rich history. At Kilt Master, we offer a wide variety of authentic Scottish hats, perfect for anyone looking to celebrate their Scottish heritage or simply appreciate the beauty of traditional Scottish attire.


Traditional attire serves as a powerful link to a culture’s past and a symbol of its unique identity. The Blangkon and other elements of traditional Javanese attire for men offer a glimpse into the rich heritage of Java. Similarly, exploring traditional headwear from other cultures, such as Scottish hats and caps, allows us to appreciate the diversity and beauty of global cultural expressions. Visit Kilt Master to explore our collection of authentic Scottish hats and immerse yourself in the timeless charm of Scottish heritage.

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